Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sleep Apnea and Reminders

Hello world. This blog is coming up on its 1st birthday, and it really doesn't have much to say for itself, but here is a little update on our lives:

Greg has been having symptoms of something which we have not yet pinpointed for about 2 years, and our most recent idea was to see if he could possibly have Sleep Apnea. His mom has it and it is hereditary. Also, some of the symptoms match. Here is a picture of Greg sleeping with the "Apnea Moustache" (as his mom calls it). This little strip monitored his breathing during the night, and then we sent it to a sleep center to be read. Now we just wait and see if we have found the problem or if we can just rule Sleep Apnea out and figure out what else it may be. Anyway, I'll keep you posted (but it may be a while).

Also, I came across this verse a couple mornings ago during my quiet time. It was a reminder I needed:
Isaiah 63:7
"I will make know the Lord's faithful love and the Lord's praiseworthy acts, because of all the Lord has done for us-even the many good things He has done for the house of Israel and has done for them based on His compassions and the abundance of His faithful love."

I am quick to despair when I can't figure out how to solve a problem that we might be having, and I am even quicker to forget the ways in which the Lord has been faithful and compassionate to us over and over again. When I truly stop to think about how He has manifested His love in our lives, I am dumbfounded that I ever doubted Him.

Snuggles and Adventure: Our fuzzy little friends are doing awesome. These two make us laugh so much. Their personalities have only become stronger and it is so much fun having them in our little house. They both suffered a trip to the vet a couple of weeks ago where they were fixed (2 is plenty at the moment), but they have recovered, and Snuggles came home with a blue fuzzy blanket which has continued to hold his adoration even 3 weeks later.

I spent 10 days in Vermont with my family in May and that was a huge blessing. Greg wasn't able to come due to work, but I was able to enjoy some great time with family and Vermont friends; I did miss him horribly though.

We are thoroughly enjoying having the time off from school which allows us to work a little more, and be at home a little more. I've been spending some of my extra time cooking those awesome protein-filled vegetarian meals I had no time for during school. We have also been watching seasons of our favorite show, Stargate.

That's all for now I guess...

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