Monday, December 28, 2009

Not nearly as exciting as the last....

Hello faithful readers,

The fact that I am writing again a mere 3 days after my last post is no cause for the setting of a new precedent, it just happens to be that I have the time this morning.

We've spent the last couple days getting our house in order. We feel really settled, but we are still "moving in." From what I understand, this is no uncommon phenomenon, but I would think the size of our house would make it easier to actually "finish" moving in. Anyway, that's what we've been doing. I'm hoping to really be done by the end of Christmas break, then maybe I'll post those much promised pictures.

Other than decorating and organizing, we've just been using some of our extra time to go for walks together, and spend time on some of our hobbies. Greg got me some beads for Christmas, so I've been creating some jewelry in my spare time. So far we have only watched one movie, but it was a good one. 500 Days of Summer has a fairly interesting plot line, but what is more interesting is it's presentation. The movie is completely non-chronological, mainly in color with some vintage style shots in black and white. There is even a moment when an animated bird enters a scene. It is artfully put together and quite interesting to watch.

No more news for now I guess...


Friday, December 25, 2009

Hope, Water, Charlie Brown, and Baked Potatoes

Here are some pictures of our house looking all Christmas-y...=)

I got a lot of razzing from family when I went to Vermont for Christmas about the "infrequentness" of my blog...but I'm not writing because of that...mainly I'm writing because its Christmas and I have a lot to say...

It's our first Christmas being married and we decided to spend it alone in our own home. In a way I miss the craziness of Christmas with 6 younger siblings (but we sorta had that a week ago anyway), and I sorta miss leaving my parents house to see other parts of the family for the afternoon, but there was also something really special about spending Christmas, just the two of us, resting.

We all know that Christmas is a season, and not just a day, but I've been wondering what the season really is...? Is it a season for shopping (one that starts with black friday and ends on Christmas eve)? Is it a season for baking (I know I've been doing that for a few weeks)? Is it a season for parties (we've been to so many between work and friends and family)? Is it a season for family (we certainly want to spend time with ours)? What is the season that surrounds this one day really all about? The church that Greg and I attend down here in Florida has been exploring this concept in the past month or so, and I think I may have begun to understand. Christmas is a season for giving...and I don't mean gifts of material quality (although that certainly does happen), it's a time for giving time, love, aid, care, kindness, and most of all, worship to a baby, born to be King eternally. Our church got really involved in a new way of looking at Christmas, and it has really affected Greg and I. Here are a few of the awesome organizations and ideas we got involved with: - check it out! An awesome new way to look at Christmas, not as a commercial, stressful, and expensive rush, but as a time to give love and worship! - Living Water International is an awesome organization spreading Christ's love by bringing clean drinking water to the many places in the world who go without. We learned the horrifying statistic that every 15 seconds, a child dies from lack of clean drinking water. This means that while I sit and idle my time for 20 mins on facebook, 80 children, real live beautiful children, die. I can't even wrap my brain around that. Advent Conspiracy has partnered with this awesome organization to encourage people to cut down on Christmas spending, and instead build wells for these people. Although this horrific statistic seems unstoppable and overwhelming, I was encouraged to find out that $1 will provide clean drinking water for one person for a whole year!! This really makes me feel like I can make a difference! How awesome is that! Really put my $3.89 starbucks grande chai tea latte in perspective...sadly I didn't have to look up that price, I've bought enough of them to know exactly what they cost...

A few local projects our church has been involved in are Oasis Compassion International, a group dedicated to feeding the hungry of Palm Beach County, as well as a project which grew right out of our church, The Tree of Hope. The Tree of Hope was a tree set up in our church with paper ornaments all over it. Each ornament held the name of one of our community's homeless men and women or a member of our community's working poor, as well as an item that would bless them or satisfy one of their needs. There was overwhelming response in our church, and 89 gifts were collected and distributed.

One more awesome organization to check out>
Samaritan's Purse collects shoe boxes full of gifts for children living in's an awesome way to get involved in a child's life at Christmas. This was one organization that I've been blessed to be involved with for years. My family always put together a shoe box each Christmas, and it was a fun time for my siblings and I to fill the box with things to share with someone.

Anyway, we've been really blessed to witness and be a part of some of these things this year, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much more involved we can get this coming year!

As far as our first Christmas was concerned, what a fun and restful day! We slept in, baked cookies, had baked potatoes for supper, and then had some cheese and crackers a little later while watching some free hulu shows. I'm not going to lie, I was a little sad to spend Christmas away from my family, but I got to talk to them on the phone...which resulted in some tears on my end after I hung up (thankfully I have a very sweet and understanding husband...I don't think he took it too personally). Here's a few pictures from our day:

Greg really enjoyed the frosting for those cookies...=)

As you may have noticed in the pictures...we did not have a real tree or a fake tree, we had our very own Charlie Brown Tree. It was a very cute little thing, and luckily Caleb gave us a little ornament for Christmas which was small enough to hang on our tiny potted tree.

Merry Christmas all...and may you truly know Christ's peace this year!!

Love, Greg and Anna

Monday, December 14, 2009

Felt the need to post

I decided I should write...but not spend all my time apologizing for not writing...

I don't really have time to write at the moment...I just finished the fourth of my four Monday exams, and in 15 minutes I'll start my library shift, but, I figured I could atleast say hi.

What a crazy exam week this has been aready. Usually, exam week is not a bad week for me, as all the concerts and papers are for the week before...but this year...ughh...8 exams...all squished together with hours of work in a few papers on top of these. I'm soo tired! Somehow, the exams managed to squish themselves into 3 days instead of the regular 4, which is great as far as getting home earlier, but it certainly makes for 3 very long and busy days.

Anyway, despite all this, I've been feeling overwhelmingly thankful lately (I know that whole paragraph was one long complaint...but I really am thankful...I promise). I could list all the thingss I'm thankful for, and it would sound like the cliche list that anyone would write, full of things that I would never deny being thankful for at any time in my I know that this is different. I feel like although I'm really thankful for all the things I would list, I'm not really thankful for anything, I just have a feeling of thankfulness and joy that is engulfing me...some may say its the season, and it's possible, but I feel like it is larger than that. I just feel blessed! shift is starting...and then it will be time to study a lot more and hopefully get at least 5 hours of sleep before the next exam at 8 am tomorrow. =) There I go...sounding like I'm complaining again...=).

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Homeward Bound

I've been thinking a lot about home lately...this happens to me every fall. I wake up with cold toes and run to the window hoping to see red leaves on the trees or maybe a frost on the window...or a dusting of snow on the ground. Instead...there are palm trees, clear blue sky, and a huge warm sun. I don't mean to complain, I'm learning to find contentment in each place, remembering that each place has been created for beauty and glory, and remembering that each placed I'm placed in is in God's hands. I've also been feeling a lot more settled about this knowing that wherever God puts me, He's put Greg there too, and that makes it home. But God is loving and, as I've learned so many times, although He calls me to contentment, He also loves to bless me. The blessing this week was the opportunity to get home to Vermont at Christmas. We wondered about the problem of time and feasibility for this trip, but God opened the door and last night we bought tickets! I am overjoyed of course. So in a few short weeks we'll leave the sunny tropics of Ft. Lauderdale and arrive in swirling snow in Boston where we'll start the snowy drive back to Vermont. That sentence gives both Greg and I shivers, but for totally different reasons. Greg can't think about snow without his toes and fingers starting to go numb, but the thought of seeing my family, friends, and beautiful state gets me so excited.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The way of all bloggers...or maybe it's just me

So I had high expectations that I would be really good at blogging, and that I would keep up with it, atleast weekly...but that was not the case. I think it has probably been 3 weeks now...and as these 3 weeks have proved, a lot can happen in a short period of time.

Anyway, biggest news is...we moved house! We moved into the town Greg lived in last year when he and a few roomates had a house down here. We love Lake Worth for its adorable antique shops, import stores, and vegan cafes. We live within walking distance of downtown, which is probably our favorite spot in all of Florida. Our house is also adorable, and this time, I promise...there will be pictures. Although it is small by most standards, to us it seems enormous. It is the "little bit bigger little-house" so the blog name can stay. We are working on getting set up (we just moved on Friday), but already it is feeling so cozy. There will be no more funny stories about marriage dilemmas involving a tiny fridge as we now have a real sized fridge. After squeezing each week's groceries into that little one each time I shopped, I'm not sure what I'm even going to do with this one. Maybe I'll use one of the shelves for storage of other items...just kidding...that would be weird. "Where are your extra towels??"..."Oh..I keep them on the bottom shelf of the fridge..." Yeah, I can imagine that could get me some funny looks. Anyway, we are lucky enough to have fall break this weekend which means we have a day off from school on Monday! Horray! It's going to be a fun-filled day of unpacking. We also have a big enough living room for a piano are in the market for a free, tunable piano. Anyway...if you hear of a piano that someone can't use anymore and is willing to give to anyone who will move it and tune it...I would be that anyone. I'm willing to pay for one too, but my piano budget is pretty low.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bronchitis, Film Shoots, and more pumpkins

Hello lovely readers,

Seems like the blog writing has diminished to once a week, but I feel like that is an accomplishment so I'm going to try to stick to it.

I've had an illness of unknown origin for about 3 weeks now...started out as a painful sore throat and cough which started going away in a week and then came back a day later full force with migraines and the cough moved into my chest. I never had a fever though and Greg never got sick (praise God, I needed him healthy!!!). After about a week of that it seemed to get stronger and was accompanied by extreme drowsiness, congestion and heaviness of breathing. It was really unpleasant. Anyway, finally saw someone on wednesday and I apparently have viral bronchitis, which seems to have begun to subside today. I'm still a little congested, but no worse for the wear.

Greg has been on film shoots last weekend and this weekend (next weekend too). Usually these are enjoyable for him, but he often doesn't get home til after 3 am. I don't like that very much, but usually I'm prepared for it and its ok. Yesterday he was meant to have one and all day I was sad about it, I was probably being a little pathetic-and I really don't usually react this way, but I really didn't want him gone again. Someone asked me what I was doing this weekend and I almost started crying...yup, I'm a pathetic sick person. Anyway, I got over it by coming home from work last night and cleaning a bit and baking some really awesome cookies. I didn't have any chocolate chips, nuts, raisins, or oatmeal so I didn't know what to make but I really wanted cookies. I don't love straight sugar cookies, but I did have some flaked coconut so I decided to find out how much coconut I would have to mix in to make coconut sugar cookies. I went online and found that someone else had wondered the same thing and come up with an awesome recipe (1 1/3 cups of coconut). The cookies turned out amazing, and as I was taking the second batch out of the oven Greg called to say they were packing up the shoot due to the extreme downpour. He ended up getting home by 10:30 which was definitely an improvement from 3. I was so happy. He has to go again tonight, but it's not as painful because he got to be home last night.

Anyway, we've been continuing on our quest for fall in sunny florida. Nana and Popsie helped out by sending a picture of the foliage and a little wooden pumpkin. Thanks Nana and Popsie! Now, if I don't go outside I can almost believe that fall is here! We also had another pumpkin-y food this week. It was called pumpkin gratin, but it was really butternut squash. Greg loved it. I'm not the biggest fan of the taste of pumpkin or squash, but even I thought it was pretty good.

So that's life'll probably hear from me in another week...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fall Equinox

I love fall...and I certainly miss it not living in Vermont anymore, but Greg and I had our own celebration.

One of the ways I've tried to cope with the lack of seasons here is by making a wreath for each season. For autumn I did something a little different and decorated a broom.

Greg and I found some little pumpkins and gourds at that was exciting. Here is our fallish looking table.

And here is Greg happily holding the pumpkin pie we had to celebrate the start of fall.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Is that self-centered or what...!?!

So I was going to start this blog out apologizing for not having written in a while, imagining that you are all waiting to hear what I've been up to...but then I's pretty self-centered of me to think that you've all been sitting around waiting for me to write my next post. Hence, I am not starting this post that way. However, if you have been waiting to hear from me, here goes, and if are reading that seems to say that you atleast have some interest in me.

Most exciting thing about the past few days since school started is our wedding pictures are almost completely up for viewing. Check them out at Jenny's site,, click on proofing, weddings, greg and anna. They look awesome! Jenny is such an awesome photographer and we're so thankful to have all the pictures we do from her, as well as the other awesome people snapping away at their cameras during our wedding. For anyone planning a wedding, I believe now more than ever that a good photographer is a worthwhile investment. The memories that Jenny captured for us are priceless.

Our lives lately? Well...we started school as you know from the most recent post (the time lapse between posts is also evident of the fact that we started school). We both have some cool classes this year. Greg is taking a photography course as well as one on producing music videos. Should be fun. I have things like conducting, woodwind methods (where I learn how to play and teach all the woodwind instruments), and some other various things. Anyway, we like school, but it is nice to be able to see the end of the road not far ahead. Next semester I start teaching experiences in local classrooms which I continue into the following semester, then I will spend my last semester student teaching. It seems impossible that it is so close.

We are so enjoying our lives together, but our time is very constricted by work and school. However, we are finding time to enjoy life and create traditions. We started one tradition tonight: pitta pizza fridays! Being from a huge family constabtly on the go, pitta bread was one of my mom's best friends. On our many adventures there would always be a price chopper (grocery) stop where pitta bread and things like ham, lettuce, cheese, and turkey would be acquired, then my mom would rip open the pitas and stuff the other items into them, coming up with a makeshift sandwhich we liked to call a pita pocket. Anyway...that was good fun. Our variation is using the pita bread as a mini pizza and spreading sauce, cheese, and olives (for Greg) on top...and then baking for about 5 minutes. It is quick, easy, and delicious...just like our pita pockets were at home. Anyway, after a long week of work, schoolwork, and cooking is always nice to have an easy break like that.

This weekend we are taking care of Focus. Focus is the adorable little dog belonging to our neighbors down the street and dear friends, Marianne and Christen. They are away for the weekend so we are heading over to their house a couple times for the next few days to make sure Focus is relieved and fed. Good thing Greg is a dog person...I've never had I don't really know what to do, but Focus is super sweet and it'll be a good learning experience for me. YAY!

Nothing else really new in the little house...I really will try to keep up with the blogging during school...we'll see how it goes.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Hello all,

So school has officially started again, and with it comes the large bills for text books and other supplies. Sigh. Anyway, I hafta say that this was the morning that was hardest to wrap my mind around, of all the other mornings since our wedding. It was just so weird waking up next to Greg to get ready to go to school with him then packing our lunches, and heading out the door together. It sorta blew my mind. Anyway, I'm sure I'll get used to it.

I won't belabor the class descriptions...there was really nothing exciting; although, I did get what I think will be the largest syllabus package ever...44 pages!!!!!! yikes! Couldn't believe how big that thing was...

Greg and I celebrated our last day of summer with morning church, a trip up to Gardens to walk around as well as snap some pics of my creations for my etsy page, and then a long dinner (vegetarian shepherds pie). Mostly we just relaxed and hung out...but now, the real work begins. Somehow, we are going to have to manage to juggle work and school...along with rehearsals and film shoots...and still keep the quality of life we have enjoyed in the past 2 months. Yikes...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Various and Sundrie Details

So...I really don't have much to write, but again...trying to stay true to the blogging.

Let's see...

Well, yesterday I was sick. Today I am still a bit sick, but nothing like yesterday. I don't really know what was wrong, but it was not fun. However, Greg made me soup and wrapped me up in a fuzzy blanket (thanks NaNa and Popsie) when he came home from work. Random side note: I really like it when Greg comes home from is definitely my favorite moment of the day. I'm not always here (sometimes at work or elsewhere) but as much as possible I like to be home when he walks in the door. Now I know how puppies feel. Anyway, it is just a really nice feeling. Back to the original topic, I have no idea what is wrong with me, but I believe I am getting better.

In other news: I'm taking steps toward making my jewelry business a reality. Right now it is a meager Etsy store with fairly blurry photos, but it is a step in the right direction. Luckily, pictures are forthcoming as are listing for the other items sitting on my desk waiting to be photographed. I'm fairly excited about the prospect...although thoughts of school diminish the excitement of a jewelry business as there will be no time for beading or sitting on the couch to see Greg when he comes home from work...oh school...anyway

Speaking of school, my one outing yesterday (I felt so sick I didn't want to move), was a meeting with my advisor at PBA. We finally got my class schedule figured out...(yes, a mere 4 days before the start of classes...not advisable). I'm taking the smallest load of credits ever! 19!! more 23 credits...ugh...and it looks like I may graduate on time!! joy of joys...what a surprise. For those of you wondering why I wasn't going to graduate in 4 years, basically my program looked like a 5 year and it was up in the air whether I would be able to squeeze it into 4 1/2...but I've been taking ungodly amounts of credits since the start of my PBA career, and I am now on track to possibly graduate in the normal 4 years. There is still a possibility that I will have to take an extra semester for student teaching...but not definitely!! Horray!!

Hrm....sundrie is a funny word...I don't know if it's even spelled that way...but who knows, it's Old English...Anyway, it reminds me of sundried tomatoes and California sundried raisins. is nothing like sundried, and it is certainly an interesting word. I guess I could have something to do with sailors who have various and sundrie adventures on the high seas...and get sundried in the process. I assume that would happen if you stood out on a boat too long.

Well, that was a random thought process. Apparently that is what happens when I don't have enough interesting information to tell.

Friday, August 21, 2009


The thing I love most about Greg: Everything I do with matter how simple...always feels like an adventure...
We found this cute little plant in the middle of the sand, so Greg replanted him with some friends...Greg was very attached to the cute little plant.

These are some creatures we managed to find in the very un-alive rock pools....I asked why there were no creatures in the Florida rock-pools...Greg said most things can't live in them...he was almost right...we found one creature who definitely was unable to survive in a rock pool...and he smelt bad! The little crab was the find of the evening...he was so cute.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Progress/Count Your Blessings/pear yogurt (not necessarily in that order)

I haven't had much to write lately, but I'm trying to keep up with the blogging, so I'm going to pretend something interesting happened.

Guess what??!!!??? (This is me pretending something interesting has happened) I cleaned the fridge today!! So this is actually my least favorite chore, but it did cause me to realize something: for the first time I was thankful that our fridge is about a quarter of the size of a normal one. I don't like it's size right after I've done our grocery shopping for the week, but when I have to clean it, I'm glad that it isn't any bigger. I really hate cleaning fridges. The fridge is probably the thing that has cause the most strife in our barely married life. (I may be exaggerating a bit). I think a fridge is an ok size when I can fit a week's shopping in it. Yeah, I'd like a little extra space, but it's ok. Greg thinks a fridge is the right size when it fits everything I'm going to feed him in a week, plus at least one entire pack of gatorade - and the freezer must fit regular food plus a few boxes of taquitos. I have tried to explain that it is ok to keep 2 gatorades in the fridge to chill while the others reside next to the fridge in our "pantry spot." He's been a pretty good sport, but when he forgets to replace a gatorade he took from the fridge (or God forbid I forget to replace one), the subject comes up again.

Speaking of a pantry, Greg put up our "pantry shelves" last night. This was very exciting. After an almost completely unsuccessful trip to Home Depot last night, we came home with what we thought was the worst possible solution to our lack of space for canned and dried goods. It turned out to work very well (pictures will be included with the "little house" pictures). So anyway, that was quite an exciting moment. Now we have space for all those lovely things that usually go in a cupboard. It is quite exciting.

In other news, I have discovered something revolutionary in the world of yogurt. I'm a longtime fan of Yoplait yogurt and their many flavored yogurts. In middle and high school I ate one for lunch everyday. Anyway, on one of my first grocery adventures after returning to the little house I discovered that Yoplait makes pear yogurt. I love pears, but I figured this would be a flop as are their coffee, key lime, and white chocolate cheescake flavors (those are all gross). Anyway, I decided to give it a try. Truly, this is the most amazing flavor of yogurt ever discovered. I am in love. (I know I shouldn't use that term lightly...but you have to try this's amazing!!!). Consequently, I now buy pear yogurt on every grocery adventure. So far I have supplemented the pear yogurt purchasing with other flavors like blueberry and rasberry (some of my old favorites), but I always seem to eat the pear first, and then find myself dissapointed when I have to eat the others. After a few weeks of this I will probably learn to only buy the pear ones. Anyway. That's probably enough about pear yogurt.

So, I think that is about all that is going on right now. I've probably spent too many words talking about too few things, but I do believe that this is the express purpose of a blog.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

If she were Snow White...I'd probably be one of the seven dwarves...

Today I have a day off. So, I've just been spending it getting some of our post wedding stuff taken care of, thank you cards, name change forms, etc. I went and had lunch with Greg at work, which is always nice, and then headed off to Target to spend a gift card (still don't have that bank account) on some baskets for organizing our shelves. Not that this is very exciting information, but aren't I supposed to tell you what I'm doing? Well anyway, it gets more exciting. As I was deciding whether I should get plastic, sea grass, cloth, or willow baskets, my very dear friend Mary Beth Shaw called. Mary Beth and I met the year before I started college. I came down to visit PBA (aka Greg) and while I was there PBA was supposed to have its Spring Formal. Greg and I planned to go, but it got cancelled. I'm not exactly sure how the next series of events unfolded, but it went something like this. Greg and his suitemate Drew Darr decided it'd be fun to still go out to dinner in formal attire and hold our own type of formal. On a Friday afternoon around 3 or 4PM Drew called Greg and said, does 5 tonight work? Well...we were at the beach...sandy and gross....and it was only about an hour or so from "Formal night"...Greg said "Yeah that works" and hung up. I looked up at him sleepily from the towel I was laying on and said "what works hunny...?"...I'm sure you can imagine how the rest of the scene unfolded. Anyway...we rushed back to campus where I ironed my dress on the floor as I couldn't find an ironing board where I was staying. I rushed downstairs to meet Greg, who happened to be with Drew and another friend, Seth. I met both of them (as we previously had not met) and Drew went into the dorm to get Mary Beth. Mary and Drew were quite fond of eachother at this time, but they weren't calling it "dating"....I think everyone else knew better though. Anyway, they were dates for that evening. So I met Mary. She looked awesome. She is pretty tall, had a gorgeous red prom dress on, and she has this awesome curly hair. Anyway, none of this outshines her bubbly personality and kind heart. As can be imagined, she was very welcoming to me as the only member of the group who didn't currently attend PBA. She introduced me to all the other girls and their dates (most of the girls were her roomates). We went out for an awesome dinner at Seito's Hibachi Restaurant and then danced in city place where there was some sort of band playing. I went back to high school (that sounds so weird now) and Vermont a few days later, knowing that I would be coming to PBA in the fall. Mary and I sort of stayed in touch through facebook etc. and I was of course ecstatic that summer before school started that she and Drew had finally announced that they were a couple. As Drew and Greg remained good friends, there were plenty of opportunities for the four of us to hang out. We went on all sorts of adventures and had all sorts of fun. Greg and Drew were roomates in a house off campus this past year, so Mary and I both spent quite a bit of time there. Anyway, I'm so glad to be her friend.

The funny thing is...Mary Beth and I really are good friends...yet we're so different. First of all, Mary Beth is from Georgia, and I'm from Vermont. She is straight from Gone with the Wind and I'm totally a Yankee. We both know the Civil War is long over, but you all understand...
unless you're from Florida, then you're really confused about whether you're from the North or South. Anyway, that didn't seem to stop us, although I was glad she doesn't have too thick of an accent. Last fall, I had the chance to visit Georgia and thought it was just beautiful, and this summer Mary Beth was in Vermont for my wedding and her sentiment was the same. So, we got past that. Secondly, Mary Beth is all girl. Not that I'm not, but Mary Beth should have been born a Disney Princess. If she could wear her tiara all day...she would...and yes, she definitely has at least one. I would rather not even imagine myself in a tiara...unless it was corn starch and biodegradeable or something. Anyway. The point of this blog is, Mary Beth's prince finally popped the question. Wahoo! So exciting...she's been waiting for this...The best part is, Drew is basically a Disney Prince...he lives right by Disney, and even worked there. I don't think he played one of the princes...but I do think he was Goofy or something, so that must count for something. Anyway, he's as close to a prince as you can get, and for Mary, he is the most perfect prince you could ever imagine. These guys are amazing, and Greg and I are so lucky to be friends with them!!!

Anyway, back to the original story. Mary Beth called me, and asked me to be a bridesmaid in this awesome southern, fairy-tale wedding!! I'm so excited!!! Horray!! I can't wait for this wedding!! Congrats Drew and Mary Beth (future Mrs. Darr)!! I love you guys so much!

By the way...I got the willow baskets.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

All's well that ends well...

Today I became the proud holder of a Florida Driver's License. I would say it was almost more exciting than getting my original driver's license in Vermont. The driving test I took in Vt. was nothing compared to the challenge I faced getting this license. There were so many things to get together. First I needed our marriage license, which was a struggle in and of itself, but I got it. Next, proof of residence (preferably a bank statement). This presented a problem as the reason I couldn't get a bank account down here was because my license was from Vermont and didn't have my Florida address on it. those things cancelled each other out. Third, birth certificate or passport. My initial scheduled trip to the DMV (see first post) was halted when I realize I had neither of these items. Copies of the birth certificates were in Vt. and at Greg's parent's house. Not helpful at that moment. Fourth, money. This was the problem that cancelled my trip to the dmv yesterday. So, we're in the process of closing down my bank account in Vt, and there is no money in it, but I couldn't get the new one until I get the driver's license, but I couldn't get that until I paid for it, but I didn't have a bank card., Greg had to take out cash for me. So all of this is why I didn't go to the DMV until today. 3.30 Pm I made the trek through traffic on I-95 to get to the Florida DMV. Not only were the directions on the DMV website wrong, but the place turned out to be so tiny, I probably wouldn't have even seen it if they were right. Thankfully I called Greg and his boss knew exactly where it was. So I thought my struggle was over, until I tried to open the door!! People were packed right up against it. That tiny little office was definitely holding way more people than it could...legally or physically I'm sure. Anyway, I got a number and was told to sit down. I waited for an hour and a half. At 5 o'clock (closing time) I was amazed to hear my number called. I couldn't believe they were actually going to see me! Anyway, the story ends well. The lady was super nice, did all my paperwork, and even offered to send in the paperwork for my FL voter registration card at the same time. So, all was mended and I went happily home with my new license. Now I can get on the bank account with Greg!! Wahoo!! Apart from that...I'm drinking tea.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Carpe Diem

So I haven't posted my moon photos yet...but I have my tech advisor working that out. Anyway. It's a new day, and not much has, greg made a yummy lunch, I made brownies, we watched stargate...fairly uneventful, but lovely and relaxing.

Anyway, usually Greg and I make Sunday "our day." My first year at school down here we both lived on campus and sacrificed sleep and everything else to spend time together. We had previously spent a year apart, so it was just the opposite and equal reaction I guess. Anyway, the next year brought it's own set of hurdles to the amount of time we saw eachother. First of all, we both lived off campus, which made it more difficult to hang out. We also both had busy work and school schedules. We saw the importance of setting aside some time just for each other, and so we designated Sunday "our day." We would go to church together in the morning and then have lunch and spend some time wandering around antique shops and other interesting international stores in Lake Worth. We'd spend the evening at a coffee shop or watching a movie together. Anyway, we decided to carry the tradition into our marriage as well. Even though we don't have to struggle to see eachother as we did when we were dating, we recognize the importance of purposeful quality time together in our marriage. So here we are at Sunday, our day. We went to church, we did the lunch antique stores though, and we'll probably do the coffee shop or movie thing later...but right now, quality time equals - Greg is taking a nap. That may not sound like quality time (maybe between Greg and his pillow), but I've discovered while sitting in bed next to my (thankfully not snoring) sleeping husband that this is its own type of quality time. It should be noted that Greg did not just decide to sleep away our quality time. There was a mutual decision to take a nap, he is just a much better "napper" than I am, and therefore, I've been awake for an hour, and he's still sleeping. Anyway, soon after I woke up I decided that lying in bed awake while he slept was incredibly boring and that maybe facebook would be a nice diversion. Yes, I know, I'm part of the facebook generation, but so are all of you because now I have grandmas, aunts, cousins, and little sisters all using facebook. Anyway, after my initial thought I realized that I was giving up a special moment. I realized that life is short, and there could be a day in my future (near or far) where I would look back on such a moment wondering why I ever gave it up. So I decided (carpe diem), I would stay next to him and just cherish the fact that we are both alive and we're together. I never want to take him for granted.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


We were visiting Greg's family in Vero Beach last weekend, and Wendy mentioned that there would be a full moon on Wednesday and that she and Joe had made it tradition to go watch the full moon rise on the beach. She suggested we do the same. So last night we headed over to Ocean Reef State Park on Singer Island to watch the moonrise. Greg brought his camera and got some great was super fun! Pictures soon.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A year of Journals

Journaling is not my forte. I love to journal, but upon inspection of the many journals which Greg and I found in my old bedroom in Vermont I realized that I often start a journal, only to abandon it a month or so later. Now that I recognize the problem, should be easy enough to fix it...maybe. That being said, I have decided that this year I will not only try to keep one journal, but two. I'll keep a regular paper journal, because I do love to write on soft paper with a nice pen, and then I'll also keep this blog...a sort of virtual journal. We'll see how long it lasts. Anyway, I thought this year was fitting for this restructuring of my journal habits as it'll be mine and Greg's first year married.

Since its been 3 1/2 weeks since we actually got married, and I intended to journal the year, I'm going to try and fill in the blanks. The wedding was awesome. Most people reading this blog were there and already know that, but it really was the coolest. We have some awesome pictures from friends who were there, as well as our amazing photographer, Jenny, of Captured Photography and Videography. View her work at She really is awesome. The pictures posted here with "Captured" across them are all a testament to her amazing talent. Anyway, so it was an awesome wedding, full of handmade and personal touches, awesome organic food, beautiful flowers, some great Vermont contra dancing with a talented local band, and lots of laughs. Greg and I are so thankful for that day.

We spent a week in Weston, Florida for our honeymoon. It was a fun and relaxing time. I got to see an alligator for the first time (sad, since I'm starting my 3rd year of living in Florida). We took an airboat ride through the everglades and it was a neat experience. We also fell in love with some old boardgames like the "game of life" (how appropriate) and "Yahtzee." I'm not sure how many times we played yahtzee...but we really had a blast. Anyway.

When we got back to West Palm, there was a lot more to do in our house than I had imagined. I got so tired from wading through the boxes covering our floor that I collapsed in bed, determining to start fresh the next morning. It certainly took much more than the next morning to get the house ship-shape again, but the work was worthwhile. Our little house is quite cozy now.

I guess I should explain the little house, and how its name came to be part of the blog. This past January I moved into a guest cottage belonging to the family of a little girl (now age 4) who I was currently tutoring in French. Upon moving in, I also became a sort of nanny for her and her twin brother and sister (now age 1). Greg and I were set on moving into an apartment where he was currently living once we got married, so I originally thought the move to the cottage was temporary. However, things never fold out how you imagine, and after much consideration, Greg and I decided to stay in the guest cottage after the wedding, and so here we are. Elsie (4 yr old) affectionately calls it "the little house" and so it has its name. Its a sweet little place, and we are so happy here. When Greg puts up the last shelves, and everything is really organized, I will post some pictures of it. My dear friends, Marianne and Marybeth) gave me a beautiful framed piece for my bridal shower which says, "our house is just a little house...but God knows where we live." It is so fitting for us.

Everyday life....I guess that's supposed to be some sort of universal constant, but lately we have felt everyday life to be one of the most changing things ever. After our honeymoon, Greg went back to work at Tech Services where he is tech support/helpdesk/?...I don't really know what the job title technically is. I'm back to nannying for Elsie and her twins, which is really convenient since I live in the backyard. They are so sweet, and such fun to be with. The rest of my time seems to be taken up with filling out forms for changing my name. Such a headache. We've also been enjoying watching "Stargate" together. Last night we started season 8! Basically we're just trying to enjoy these last few weeks of summer where all we have to do is work everyday, because we know that once school starts and everyday is filled with classes, jobs, homework, papers, and so much more, we are going to be so busy!

Anyway...I think this is a fairly sufficient summary of 3 weeks. I'm off to the DMV to try and get a Florida drivers license.