Friday, September 11, 2009

Is that self-centered or what...!?!

So I was going to start this blog out apologizing for not having written in a while, imagining that you are all waiting to hear what I've been up to...but then I's pretty self-centered of me to think that you've all been sitting around waiting for me to write my next post. Hence, I am not starting this post that way. However, if you have been waiting to hear from me, here goes, and if are reading that seems to say that you atleast have some interest in me.

Most exciting thing about the past few days since school started is our wedding pictures are almost completely up for viewing. Check them out at Jenny's site,, click on proofing, weddings, greg and anna. They look awesome! Jenny is such an awesome photographer and we're so thankful to have all the pictures we do from her, as well as the other awesome people snapping away at their cameras during our wedding. For anyone planning a wedding, I believe now more than ever that a good photographer is a worthwhile investment. The memories that Jenny captured for us are priceless.

Our lives lately? Well...we started school as you know from the most recent post (the time lapse between posts is also evident of the fact that we started school). We both have some cool classes this year. Greg is taking a photography course as well as one on producing music videos. Should be fun. I have things like conducting, woodwind methods (where I learn how to play and teach all the woodwind instruments), and some other various things. Anyway, we like school, but it is nice to be able to see the end of the road not far ahead. Next semester I start teaching experiences in local classrooms which I continue into the following semester, then I will spend my last semester student teaching. It seems impossible that it is so close.

We are so enjoying our lives together, but our time is very constricted by work and school. However, we are finding time to enjoy life and create traditions. We started one tradition tonight: pitta pizza fridays! Being from a huge family constabtly on the go, pitta bread was one of my mom's best friends. On our many adventures there would always be a price chopper (grocery) stop where pitta bread and things like ham, lettuce, cheese, and turkey would be acquired, then my mom would rip open the pitas and stuff the other items into them, coming up with a makeshift sandwhich we liked to call a pita pocket. Anyway...that was good fun. Our variation is using the pita bread as a mini pizza and spreading sauce, cheese, and olives (for Greg) on top...and then baking for about 5 minutes. It is quick, easy, and delicious...just like our pita pockets were at home. Anyway, after a long week of work, schoolwork, and cooking is always nice to have an easy break like that.

This weekend we are taking care of Focus. Focus is the adorable little dog belonging to our neighbors down the street and dear friends, Marianne and Christen. They are away for the weekend so we are heading over to their house a couple times for the next few days to make sure Focus is relieved and fed. Good thing Greg is a dog person...I've never had I don't really know what to do, but Focus is super sweet and it'll be a good learning experience for me. YAY!

Nothing else really new in the little house...I really will try to keep up with the blogging during school...we'll see how it goes.

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