Sunday, August 9, 2009

Carpe Diem

So I haven't posted my moon photos yet...but I have my tech advisor working that out. Anyway. It's a new day, and not much has, greg made a yummy lunch, I made brownies, we watched stargate...fairly uneventful, but lovely and relaxing.

Anyway, usually Greg and I make Sunday "our day." My first year at school down here we both lived on campus and sacrificed sleep and everything else to spend time together. We had previously spent a year apart, so it was just the opposite and equal reaction I guess. Anyway, the next year brought it's own set of hurdles to the amount of time we saw eachother. First of all, we both lived off campus, which made it more difficult to hang out. We also both had busy work and school schedules. We saw the importance of setting aside some time just for each other, and so we designated Sunday "our day." We would go to church together in the morning and then have lunch and spend some time wandering around antique shops and other interesting international stores in Lake Worth. We'd spend the evening at a coffee shop or watching a movie together. Anyway, we decided to carry the tradition into our marriage as well. Even though we don't have to struggle to see eachother as we did when we were dating, we recognize the importance of purposeful quality time together in our marriage. So here we are at Sunday, our day. We went to church, we did the lunch antique stores though, and we'll probably do the coffee shop or movie thing later...but right now, quality time equals - Greg is taking a nap. That may not sound like quality time (maybe between Greg and his pillow), but I've discovered while sitting in bed next to my (thankfully not snoring) sleeping husband that this is its own type of quality time. It should be noted that Greg did not just decide to sleep away our quality time. There was a mutual decision to take a nap, he is just a much better "napper" than I am, and therefore, I've been awake for an hour, and he's still sleeping. Anyway, soon after I woke up I decided that lying in bed awake while he slept was incredibly boring and that maybe facebook would be a nice diversion. Yes, I know, I'm part of the facebook generation, but so are all of you because now I have grandmas, aunts, cousins, and little sisters all using facebook. Anyway, after my initial thought I realized that I was giving up a special moment. I realized that life is short, and there could be a day in my future (near or far) where I would look back on such a moment wondering why I ever gave it up. So I decided (carpe diem), I would stay next to him and just cherish the fact that we are both alive and we're together. I never want to take him for granted.

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